Die Polizei bittet um Hilfe bei der Identifizierung des Verdächtigen, der angeblich am Samstag in einem Restaurant das Feuer eröffnet und einen 25-jährigen Mann getötet und seinen Vater, seine Mutter, seinen jüngeren Bruder und seinen Angestellten verletzt hat. →
Police are asking for help in identifying the suspect who allegedly opened fire inside a restaurant on Saturday and killed a 25-year-old man, injured his father, mother, younger brother and employee. →
Toronto’s tourism sector was one of the first industries affected by the coronavirus and is expected to lose billions of dollars in direct and indirect spending during the first half of 2021, despite the $ 125 million support offered by Lisa MacLeod, Provincial Minister of Heritage, Sports, Tourism and Cultural Affairs for Toronto and other Ontario cities. →