TORONTO – “Education is a right. Our right. But in our schools, this right is denied to us”. Angry and disappointed, students at York Memorial Collegiate Institute and George Harvey Collegiate Institute (TDSB) protested this morning demanding safer, better equipped, more comfortable schools. School where teachers are present. Schools where the police “who have often terrorized the students” do not intervene. In short, schools where you can study with serenity.
ROME – Everything as expected, or almost: even if as we write only exit polls are available, the crushing victory of Fratelli d’Italia, the first party, is already evident – according to the data of La7 – with a percentage included between 23 and 27%. →
TORONTO – By definition, in the political spectrum the center is the political space best equipped for conflict resolution. When the tensions that come from the right or the left become too pressing, it is in the center that the neutralization of the imbalance takes place: center understood as compromise, as a synthesis of theses and antitheses, as an exaltation of pragmatism that cripples the too ideologized extremities. Having made this premise, in the last thirty years in Canada, as in Italy and in the rest of the world, the hunt for the electorate of the center, the moderate one, considered hunting booty capable of undermining the balance of power between the parties, has begun.
Digitale Geräte bieten Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern größere Möglichkeiten zur Steigerung der Produktivität und Flexibilität, haben aber auch eine Kultur der kontinuierlichen Verfügbarkeit geschaffen, in der Mitarbeiter jederzeit und überall, auch außerhalb der Arbeitszeit, problemlos kontaktiert werden können. →
Digital devices give employers and employees greater opportunities to increase productivity and flexibility, but also have created a culture of continuous availability where it is easy to contact employees anytime, anywhere, including outside of working hours. →