TORONTO – “Fratelli coltelli”. O, se preferite, “Parenti serpenti”. Sono i titoli di due commedie italiane degli anni ’90 che ben si adattano allo squallido spettacolo che stanno dando, pubblicamente, i membri della famiglia Rogers, proprietari dell’omonimo colosso delle telecomunicazioni…
TORONTO – “Fratelli coltelli”. Or, if you prefer, “Parenti serpenti”. These are the titles of two Italian comedies of the 90s that are well suited to the squalid show that the members of the Rogers family, owners of the homonymous telecommunications giant, are giving, publicly. In English we could translate those titles like “Dearest Relatives, Poisonous Relations”, to say that in the Rogers family there is a real feud that has also ended up on social media, in particular on Twitter where Martha Rogers, director of Rogers Communications, asked her brother Edward to “resign”. But let’s take a step back. (more…)