TORONTO – There is no doubt: Toronto voters will be spoiled for choice on June 26 when they’ll go to the polls to choose their city’s next mayor. The nominations for the extraordinary by-election to choose a new mayor, following the resignation of John Tory, officially closed at 2pm on Friday and according to the City’s website there are 102 registered candidates: current and former city councilors, former parliamentarians and deputies, civic activists, school administrators but also many ordinary people who probably just want to “see the effect” having their name on the ballot paper. A card that promises to be mileage, given the number of names it will contain. →
TORONTO – Inflation continues to decline, albeit slightly (from 6.3% in December 2022 to 5.9% in January 2023), but the bull market in food shows no signs of slowing down. It was already known – just go shopping to find out – but now the numbers of the latest report by Statistics Canada confirm it: in January, the prices of food products recorded a year-on-year increase of 11.4%, compared to 11% the previous month. And since last August, the food inflation rate has been over 10%. →
TORONTO – Manca meno di una settimana al giorno delle elezioni (2 giugno). Lo scorso mese, i leader dei partiti si sono spostati nella provincia condividendo le loro piattaforme con l’obiettivo di creare supporto per il loro partito politico. Nel frattempo, i candidati di ciascun partito politico hanno fatto lo stesso all’interno delle loro comunità e circoscrizioni elettorali locali… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>