TORONTO – Myles Sanderson, allegedly responsible along with his brother Damien for the massacre in the James Smith Cree Nation of Saskatchewan, the reason for his murderous rampage, took him with him to the grave.
TORONTO – Dolore e polemiche dopo il massacro di 10 persone e il ferimento di altre 19 a coltellate in Saskatchewan… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
TORONTO – Amid grief and controversy, the manhunt continues in Saskatchewan. The question, after the massacre of 10 people and the wounding of 19 others with stab wounds, is only one: where is Myles Sanderson hiding? According to the chief of the Queen Police Evan Bray would no longer be in the city. “We have received information that leads us to believe that Myles Sanderson may no longer be in this community,” Bray said. And although we don’t know where he is, we are still looking not only inside Regina, but also throughout the province,” he said. It dates back to last Sunday the sighting in the city of the Nissan Rogue of which the fugitive could be driving. Since then nothing more. “He could be injured – said the police – certainly he is armed and dangerous”.
TORONTO – Sangue e morte in due riserve indiane del Saskatchewan. Dopo la strage avvenuta nella James Smith Cree Nation e a Weldon dove 10 persone sono morte e 18 sono rimaste ferite in una serie di accoltellamenti, una sparatoria si è consumata nella Witchekan Lake First Nation… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>