TORONTO – After the parents, pediatricians take the field. The Canadian Paediatric Society, the Pediatrics Section of the Ontario Medical Association and the Pediatricians Alliance of Ontario have written an open letter to Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Education Minister Stephen Lecce urging them to resume face-to-face classes in schools by January 17.
TORONTO – Online lessons for Ontario students began today but many parents no longer want to hear about distance learning. Discontent is growing more and more in the province for the decision of the Ford government to close schools to cope with the spread of Covid-19 infections.
TORONTO – Ontario was the laggard but today it finally announced through the mouth of the Chief Medical Officer of Health of the province Kieran Moore, the latest news about the return to school of students at the end of the Christmas holidays. Return that with great general surprise sledges of only two days, from Monday January 3 to Wednesday January 5.
It does not seem like a winning tactic. HCDSB trustee, represented by her Counsel Stephen Bernstein, was scheduled to appear in Hamilton Court (December 21) before a judge to dispose of twelve charges of fraud – ten of them under $5,000 and two over that amount.
She had been arrested almost a year ago, January 21, 2021, on charges dating from 2017 and 2018, prior to her election as Trustee. →
TORONTO – If there is a parent still oblivious to the [inferior] quality of skills preparation offered at the school his/her child attends, it is time to wake up. High schools are beginning to “offer acceptance letters” to grade eight grads. Universities and Colleges are preparing theirs for high school grads. →