TORONTO – Il governo federale sembra pronto a convocare elezioni durante una pandemia. Non importa quando arriva quella chiamata, i membri dei partiti politici e le loro squadre sono sempre pronti. La situazione non è diversa per l’onorevole Deb Schulte, membro del Parlamento per King-Vaughan e Ministro degli anziani. In previsione di quella chiamata alle elezioni, il Corriere Canadese ha parlato con il ministro Schulte per affrontare alcune questioni chiave per i canadesi…
The federal government appears poised to call for an election during a pandemic. No matter when that call comes, political party members and their teams stand at the ready.
The situation is no different for the Honourable Deb Schulte, Member of Parliament for King-Vaughan and Minister of Seniors. In anticipation of that call to election, the Corriere Canadese spoke with Minister Schulte to address some key issues for Canadians.
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Download File: by Mariella Policheni, translation and video by Lisa Picerno
El tan esperado perdón oficial finalmente ha terminado. Ayer, como prometió en 2019, el primer ministro canadiense, Justin Trudeau, pidió disculpas a los italo-canadienses por el internamiento sufrido en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Más de 600 Italo-canadienses fueron internados después de que Italia declarara la guerra a los Aliados en 1940, mientras que 31.000 perdidos fueron reportados como “enemigos extranjeros”. →
The long-awaited official apology has finally arrived. Today, as promised in 2019, the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, apologized to the Italian-Canadians for the internment suffered in World War II. More than 600 Italian-Canadians were interned after Italy declared war on the Allies in 1940, while 31,000 people were reported as “foreign enemies”. →