TORONTO – Both PSAC and the federal government are warning that disruptions to public services are possible as a third of all federal workers remain on strike. Action taken by members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) could therefore lead to a complete shutdown of the tax season, border delays and pauses for new immigration and passport applications, just to name a few examples. →
TORONTO – Time is running out on possible strikes by more than 155,000 federal public service workers. →
TORONTO – The municipalities of Ontario fear that the new housing legislation adopted by the Province could unload excessive burdens on the municipalities themselves and on taxpayers. The bill presented Tuesday by Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Steve Clark, would, in fact, reduce and / or exempt from taxes that builders would have to pay in order to build. →
OTTAWA – Le gouvernement du Canada travaille d’arrache-pied pour réinstaller au moins 40 000 ressortissants afghans le plus rapidement et de façon aussi sécuritaire que possible. Le Canada a maintenant accueilli plus de 9 400 réfugiés afghans, et d’autres arrivent chaque semaine.
OTTAWA – The Government of Canada is working hard to resettle at least 40,000 Afghan nationals as quickly and safely as possible. Canada has now welcomed over 9,400 Afghan refugees, with more arriving every week.