Perhaps Santa Claus read your letter because this December, the Puerto Rican singer Marc Anthony will resume on August 27 the ‘Marc Anthony Tour’, which will include two concerts in Canada, according to his company Magnus Music and the promoting company Cardenas Marketing Network (CMN). →
Quizás Santa Claus leyó tu carta porque este diciembre, el cantante puertorriqueño Marc Anthony retomará el 27 de agosto de este año el ‘Marc Anthony Tour’ con dos conciertos en Canadá, informó su empresa Magnus Music y la promotora Cardenas Marketing Network (CMN). →
Two awards out of eight, and she was the youngest participant: Lea Garza (in the pics above ad below), 12, Italian-Mexican, literally won the “Yesports” International Music Awards organized in China and ended in recent days, winning the “Best Solo Artist” awards and “Favorite Talent Award”: practically the most important awards went to her. →
Due premi su otto, ed era la partecipante più giovane: Lea Garza (nelle foto sopra e sotto), 12 anni, italo-messicana, ha letteralmente sbancato l’International Music Awards “Yesports” organizzato in Cina e conclusosi nei giorni scorsi, vincendo i premi “Best Solo Artist” e “Favorite Talent Award”: praticamente i riconoscimenti più importanti sono andati a lei. →