TORONTO – Officially nobody is talking about of it. And this is because the issue – very topical – is hot and complicated and difficult to solve: a mix of explosive characteristics for the political class, which in these days has therefore preferred to stay behind the scenes, if not in some small case. Yet, despite the embarrassed silences of those who govern us and those who, in opposition, should sting the executive on its shortcomings and shortcomings, vaccination obligation is talked about. Experts, virologists, trade representatives of the health and hospital sector discuss it.
MAZARA DEL VALLO (Trapani) – Denise Pipitone in a song. A piece of music that sounds like an appeal to put an end to the silence that weighs, for the past seventeen years, on the case of the little child disappearance in Mazara del Vallo (in Sicily, Italy) on 1 September 2004, at the age of only four. →
After the Ontario government has extended the occupancy agreement without making too much noise, Ontario’s Long-Term Care homes – regardless of the number of residents they host or how badly they have been affected by Covid-19 – will be funded in full until August. →