Article by Marzio Pelu`
TORONTO – Solidarity between Universities: that of Toronto launches an appeal in favor of the Laurentian of Sudbury after the drastic cuts that hit it, wiping out dozens of courses, including Italian studies, with the consequent loss of jobs for teachers and inconvenience for students. →
TORONTO – Solidarietà fra Università: quella di Toronto lancia un accorato appello a favore della Laurentian di Sudbury dopo i drastici tagli che l’hanno colpita spazzando via decine di corsi, compresi gli Italian Studies, con la conseguente perdita di posti di lavoro per gli insegnanti e disagi per gli studenti. →
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[GTranslate]Social media has infiltrated almost every aspect of modern life. Worldwide, social media users number about 3.8 billion, roughly 50% of the global population.
It is a means by which people can stay in touch, interact and a way to create and/or exchange information and ideas in a virtual environment. It can be a beneficial tool, especially at a time when medical experts advise keeping physically distanced to mitigate the spread of Covid-19. (graph 1, see above)