TORONTO – I am not a monarchist. However, I swore allegiance to the Crown, Canada’s Head of State and Guardian of our Constitution, when I was inducted into Cabinet as a Privy Councillor. My reactions to the passing of the venerable Queen Elizabeth II are conditioned by that.
TORONTO – Arroganza e manipolazione. Postura e teatralità. Se qualcuno ha seguito le politiche internazionali, dovrebbe sapere che queste sono un punto fondamentale del menu politico. Nessuna di loro è particolarmente dannosa in dosi digeribili ma, prima o poi, chi le pratica viene punito dal pubblico… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
TORONTO – Last July in Alberta practically all anti-Covid restrictions were eliminated. Prime Minister Jason Kenney, in fact, had implemented his “Open for Summer Plan”, a three-phase plan to reopen the economy that came into force at the beginning of June with which the former minister of the Harper government takes a different path from that of the other premiers. While in the rest of the provinces the line of a prudent reopening had been chosen, following the suggestions of the various technical scientific committees, in Alberta Kenney had opted for the “everything and immediately” approach. →
Toronto, July 6: The international press advocacy organization, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is planning to publish a gallery of grim portraits of 37 heads of state or government who crack down massively on press freedom. Some of these “predators of press freedom” have been operating for more than two decades while others have just joined the blacklist, which for the first time includes two women and a European predator. →
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Download File: by Priscilla Pajdo – Video: CNMNG Staff
TORONTO – As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to sweep across the globe, the constant barrage of case numbers, variants, total Covid-related deaths and now vaccination rates are impossible to ignore. →