TORONTO – About the waste of vaccines in Ontario denounced on Wednesday by the Auditor General, Prime Minister Doug Ford “wiggles”, but he still sent a loud and clear message to Bonnie Lysyk: “Stay in your lane”. →
TORONTO – Last week, Corriere Canadese interviewed five York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) trustees: Rose Cantisano, Dino Giuliani, Maria Iafrate, Maria Marchese and Domenic Mazzotta. All of them of Italian background, although only one was born outside of Canada. They had had enough of the not-so-subtle, often overt, discrimination to which they were being subjected because of their “ethnicity”.
TORONTO – Investire nelle strutture sanitarie private per gli interventi chirurgici, aggiungere fino a 6.000 operatori sanitari, trasferire gli anziani in case di cura a lunga degenza “alternative”. Sono questi in sintesi i punti salienti del “Plan to stay open” presentato ieri dal governo dell’Ontario in vista di un probabile aumento delle malattie respiratorie nei prossimi mesi…
Yesterday I had a long conversation with my dear friend Tom.
Tom is one of the most distinguished Polish community activists in Canada, →
TORONTO – I stopped in a Dollar Store to pick up two cards: one, a birthday, the other, a Mothers’ day – both for the same person. Most of the store was dutifully sectioned off, even the card rack. I picked up the two cards anyway and proceeded to pay. →