TORONTO – Da tempo, ormai, medici e infermieri chiedono ai vari governi provinciali di intervenire in modo massiccio per risolvere l’emergenza che affligge il sistema sanitario in ogni zona del Canada: pazienti senza più un medico di famiglia, emergency rooms prese d’assalto, carenza di personale negli ospedali…
TORONTO – For some time now, doctors and nurses have been asking the various provincial governments to intervene in a massive way to solve the emergency that afflicts the health system in every area of Canada: patients without a family doctor anymore, emergency rooms stormed , staff shortages in hospitals. →
TORONTO – Che il sistema sanitario canadese stia zoppicando sempre di più non è una novità. Oltre all’arretrato di interventi chirurgici causato dalla pandemia di Covid-19, le attese ai pronto soccorso degli ospedali raggiungono ora anche 14 ore e accade pure che molti vengano chiusi temporaneamente per mancanza di medici e infermieri… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
TORONTO – That Canada’s healthcare system is limping more and more is nothing new. In addition to the backlog of surgical interventions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, waits in hospital emergency rooms now reach up to 14 hours and it also happens that many are temporarily closed for lack of doctors and nurses.
TORONTO – Endless emergencies. There is no end in sight for the long waits in the Emergency rooms of numerous Ontario hospitals. As things stand, before receiving the necessary care, you may have to wait almost eight hours. Sometimes even longer. That may be the norm in the near future.