KABUL – Winds of war blow over Afghanistan again. According to the Taliban, the “foreign occupation” (US and UK) must end and as of today there is a date: 31 August. “It’s a red line. President Joe Biden has announced that on August 31 the US will withdraw all its military forces. So if they decide on an extension it will mean they will be extending the occupation while there is no need”, Suhail Shaheen, spokesman for the Taliban, told Sky News. And then he added: “If the United States or the United Kingdom take longer to continue the transfers, the answer is ‘no’. Or there would be consequences”. →
by Marzio Pelù
KABUL – August 18, 2021, the third day of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. After yesterday’s proclamations, with openness to women “in compliance with Sharia law” and the assurance that “no one will be harmed”, the Taliban have already started shooting. →
by Marzio Pelù
KABUL – They are back, but they say they have changed. After twenty years, the Taliban regained power in Kabul and with them the terror they had left behind returned: violence, summary executions, repression of all freedom, women forced to wear the burqa and women’s schools closed, sports and music bandits. But “now we are different”, they say. And they try to prove it. →