Tag: tdsb:

Education at TDSB: “woke” yes, “awake” not so much

TORONTO – The demonstration by students, on Friday, December 2 (here our article), at the combined high school on Keele Street (George Harvey and York Memorial) was impressive for several reasons. One, it was peaceful and generally well-tempered. Two, at its peak, there were, by my rough count (contested by other Media reports interested in inflating numbers), about 150 participants (just over 10% of the registered student body). Three, students were prepared to deliver a message in response to the extremely negative publicity their school(s) garnered in recent press and media reports. 

What’s wrong with our society? Disaster at TDSB

A nucleus of one hundred (100!) teenagers terrorize victims in a building; beat up teachers; storm the offices of the Administration; intimidate and threaten “the administrators”; compel younger, weaker, kids to engage in fights and in public sex (in every other society that amounts to rape) for the purposes of video transmission; distribute/sell drugs openly; students overdosing in the washrooms. Teachers absent on medical leave, administrators through revolving doors; police absent. 

Pugno duro del TDSB: vaccino o licenziamento

TORONTO – Gli insegnanti e il personale del Toronto District School Board (TDSB) che non saranno vaccinati contro il Covid-19 entro il 1° novembre potrebbero perdere il lavoro. Il consiglio scolastico della città ha pubblicato nel “Covid-19 Mandatory Vaccine Procedure” le sue linee guida inerenti la vaccinazione dello staff, che risultano essere più severe rispetto a quelle stabilite dalla provincia… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>