TORONTO – Teachers and staff of the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) who are not vaccinated against Covid-19 by November 1st may lose their jobs. →
TORONTO – Il provveditorato scolastico pubblico di Toronto dà un giro di vite alle regole sulla vaccinazione contro il Covid-19. Quello cattolico, invece, al momento fa scena muta mentre il primo giorno di scuola si avvicina a passi da gigante…
TORONTO – Toronto’s public school superintendent tightens up Covid-19 vaccination rules. The Catholic one, on the other hand, at the moment makes a silent scene while the first day of school is approaching by giant strides. The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) voted unanimously to introduce vaccination duty for staff, trustees and visitors. To make the announcement yesterday was the school board: “the school trustees during the meeting Wednesday evening decided to make the anti-Covid-19 vaccination mandatory”. And considering that there are only eleven days left before the reopening of schools and that the TDSB intends to implement the procedure before the children return to class, there is no time to lose. →
TORONTO – Le linee guida delineate dall’Ontario per affrontare il Covid nelle scuole pubbliche della provincia, non sono sufficienti. Insoddisfatto dai protocolli, che saranno implementati con l’inizio del nuovo anno scolastico, il Toronto District School Board (TDSB) ha deciso di fare da sè ed ha stilato una serie di linee guida. Tutto tace invece per quel che concerne il Toronto Catholic District School Board: il rientro a scuola è ancora avvolto nel mistero…
TORONTO – The guidelines outlined by Ontario to deal with Covid in the province’s public schools are not enough. Dissatisfied with the protocols, which will be implemented with the start of the new school year, the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has decided to do it itself and has drawn up a series of guidelines. Everything is silent, however, as far as the Toronto Catholic District School Board is concerned: the return to school is still shrouded in mystery. →