TORONTO – York Memorial Collegiate Institute staff are afraid to go to school. It was already known, but now it’s all on the paper, in some documents which reveal the concerns of school workers due to a series of “violent incidents”, the highest number since 2000, i.e. since the TDSB began monitor this data in the schools of the district. →
TORONTO – Some “professional” organizations expend fantastic resources to preserve their organizational reputation.
A tentative agreement between the Toronto Occasional Teacher’s Bargaining Unit (TOTBU) and the TCDSB
by Marzio Pelù
TORONTO – A tentative agreement, subject to ratification, has been reached between the Toronto Occasional Teacher’s Bargaining Unit (TOTBU) and the Toronto Catholic District School Board. →
TORONTO – The students returned to the classrooms on Wednesday but a large number of teachers remained at home. It is an emergency in the school boards of the GTA that are rushing to hire substitutes to replace absent teachers due to, they say, “the high number of infections or contacts with people infected with Covid-19”.