VANCOUVER – A “culinary” bridge between the Italian and Indigenous communities: the idea comes from Apci Canada, the Professional Association of Italian Chefs chaired by Chef Giovanni Trigona, an Italian in Vancouver, British Columbia, who is currently launching a collaboration with fellow Chef Theresa Contois, a Native of the Long Plain First Nation in Manitoba. A friendship destined to lay the foundations for a series of initiatives that will see the collaboration of Italian and Native chefs for the first time in history (in the pic above, Giovanni and Theresa).
Autor – Francesco Veronesi – Video: Cristiana Petrescu
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Download File: – Canada și Ontario încă se luptă cu vaccinul AstraZeneca. Vaccinul, deși încă considerat sigur atât de Health Canada, cât și de Comitetul consultativ național pentru imunizare (Naci), a fost suspendat ca măsură de precauție în unele provincii ale țării noastre.