TORONTO – Negli anni ’60, spesso indicati come l’età d’oro della musica popolare nelle società occidentali, non mancavano canzoni i cui testi miravano a far riflettere gli ascoltatori sulla “condizione umana” e il malinconico fallimento delle ideologie nel produrre l’utopia che sposavano. Non era tutto cupo…
OTTAWA – As Ottawa prepares for protests from the movement opposing Covid-19 restrictions over the weekend, interim Conservative leader Candice Bergen says her MPs are free to participate in the demonstrations. “I support peaceful and legal demonstrations, and if my MPs want to participate, they are free to do so, they will answer to their constituents,” Bergen said in an interview with CTV’s Question Period aired Sunday. “Conservatives fully support Canadians who were, and are still opposed to, mandatory vaccines,” the interim leader of the CP added.
TORONTO – Polemiche, accuse e veleni nella corsa alla leadership del Partito Conservatore. Il tutto con dei toni talmente accesi che diventa davvero difficile ipotizzare un clima di riconciliazione tra i vari candidati e le loro fazioni dopo l’elezione del leader il prossimo settembre: lo spettro di una possibile nuova divisione della destra canadese, dopo lo strappo di Maxime Bernier, diventa sempre più concreto… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
TORONTO – Canada must increase its military spending until it reaches its NATO agreement quota. This was requested today by the Conservative Party, on the eve of the presentation of the federal budget scheduled for tomorrow at the House of Commons. Kerry-Lynne Findlay, conservative shadow Defence minister, said: “It is time for Canada to contribute its fair share to NATO. As a founding member of the Atlantic Alliance, the peace and security that Canadians have enjoyed over the past 73 years have been underpinned by the collective security promise that any attack on a NATO country would be an attack on everyone.”