TORONTO – A cinque giorni dal voto, conservatori e liberali si trovano in una sostanziale parità statistica. Gli ultimi sondaggi confermano come la distanza tra i due partiti sia al di sotto della soglia del 2 per cento, che rappresenta il margine d’errore e che quindi certifica come i rapporti di forza, espressi nelle intenzioni di voto dell’elettorato canadese, si siano cristallizzati in una parità generalizzata. Per cercare di capire quali siano le dinamiche che stanno caratterizzando questo nuovo equilibrio tra le forze politiche in corsa occorre andare ad analizzare la situazione su base regionale…
TORONTO – Five days before the vote, conservatives and liberals are in substantial statistical parity. The latest polls confirm that the distance between the two parties is below the 2 percent threshold, which represents the margin of error and therefore certifies how the balance of power, expressed in the voting intentions of the Canadian electorate, has crystallized into a generalized parity. To try to understand what are the dynamics that are characterizing this new balance between the political forces in the race, it is necessary to analyze the situation on a regional basis. →
TORONTO – L’ultima settimana di campagna elettorale si apre sulla falsariga del filo conduttore che sta caratterizzando il percorso che ci porta alle urne: quello dell’incertezza. Gli ultimi sondaggi, realizzati dopo i due dibattiti televisivi dell’8 e del 9 settembre tra i leader dei partiti, hanno confermato come i liberali e i conservatori siano impegnati in un serrato testa a testa, con i neodemocratici in difficoltà e con una impressionante crescita a destra del People’s Party di Maxime Bernier…
TORONTO – The last week of the election campaign opens along the lines of the common thread that is characterizing the path that leads us to the polls: that of uncertainty. The latest polls, carried out after the two televised debates of 8 and 9 September between the leaders of the parties, have confirmed that the Liberals and Conservatives are engaged in a tight head-to-head, with the neo-Democrats in difficulty and with an impressive growth to the right of Maxime Bernier’s People’s Party. →
TORONTO – A majority government hoping Canadian PM Justin Trudeau faces now a possible defeat in a snap election called on September 20, which election authority earmarked as most expensive in history with a price tag of $610 million, that’s $100 million more than the 2019 election. But, Trudeau defended his decision and said his main rival would undermine the fight against COVID-19. →