TORONTO – Songs, drums, speeches, dances. But also painful testimonies and tears. For the first time in its history, Canada celebrated The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation yesterday. A day, that of yesterday, established by Ottawa last June 3 to commemorate the tragic and painful history of residential schools, to remember the dead children and those who survived, their families and communities. →
TORONTO – Oggi in Canada ricorre National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. È una giornata di riflessione e dedicata ad onorare i bambini deceduti o sopravvissuti delle scuole residenziali del Paese, le loro famiglie e le loro comunità… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
September 30 marks the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. It is a day for reflection and to honour the lost children and survivors of the country’s residential schools, their families and communities.
This year has been a difficult one for everyone, especially for Indigenous communities following the discovery of hundreds of unmarked graves, including the remains of children, on the grounds of former residential schools across Canada. →