TORONTO – The World Health Organization (WHO) must conduct a world-wide epidemiology study to analyze from each nation’s hospital data how many Covid-19 patients were hospitalized. From that data, it should indicate how many patients were admitted to ICU and or placed on Ventilator support. →
TORONTO – Improvvisa impennata dei casi, aumento delle ospedalizzazioni, crescita dei ricoveri in terapia intensiva e decessi. Riassumendo, una nuova ondata della pandemia, con i governi costretti a implementare nuove restrizioni, fino al lockdown, nelle sue mille sfumature… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
BRAMPTON, ON (June 2, 2021) – As the vaccine rollout continues and following the Province’s announcement of accelerating second shots this summer – supply permitting, the City is launching its “Get Back to Better. Vaccinate Brampton.” campaign to build on the momentum seen in Brampton and Peel. →
[GTranslate]TORONTO – While the vaccine plan in Ontario is coming to the heart of Phase 2, mayors and doctors are urging the government to rethink the categories to be prioritized to ensure the highest possible safety for frontline workers. →
[GTranslate]Over the weekend, Canada hit a grim milestone after the country surpassed one million Covid-19 cases. Now, in the second year of battling the non-discriminating coronavirus, Canadians struggle to contain the third wave of infections. →