TORONTO – La politica del rialzo dei tassi d’interesse potrebbe costringere un canadese su quattro a dover vendere casa. È questa l’allarmante istantanea scattata da Manulife con un sondaggio che mette in luce come la strategia di Bank of Canada per contenere l’inflazione nel nostro Paese possa avere delle conseguenze indirette molto pesanti per chi deve pagare il mutuo…
Canadian National Multilingual Newsgroup
Welcome to the Canadian National Multilingual News Group (CNMNG). This is a project made possible through funding by Canadian Heritage. CNMNG aims to gather news researched and written by a corps of Canadian-based journalists/writers from the country’s multilingual community groups. The overall goal is to inform, analyze and critique the issues of the day in a professional manner and to provide that to publishers and editors active in the ethnocultural-multilingual press and media whose experience provides them with a perspective that is sensitive to news relevant to their own language group.