Tag: videos

TCDSB Elections: D’Amico, Di Giorgio and Cristiano at Cataldi (photos and videos)

TORONTO – Great participation in the event organized today at Cataldi, on Keele Street in Toronto, by three candidates for the position of trustee at the Toronto Catholic District School Board: Frank D’Amico, Daniel Di Giorgio and Gianfranco Cristiano (in the photo above, at entrance of Cataldi).

Their “Meet and Greet” was held from 2 to 5 pm: the three candidates chatted with the customers of the Italian supermarket, offered a lunch and, at the end, stopped at the exit to distribute packs of Italian pasta to all present, as a gift for Thanksgiving Day.

On the packages there was their image and that of Relina D’Amico, candidate as trustee at the TDSB (in the pic below).

“We are glad for the success of our initiative – the three candidates said -: we take the opportunity to wish a Happy Thanksgiving Day to all the readers of CNMNG News”. 

As is well known, the campaign for the election of the trustees to the TCDSB has flared up on the issue of the survival of Catholic ethics – or even the cancellation of the Catholic Superintendency. D’Amico, Di Giorgio and Cristiano propose themselves as defenders and promoters of traditional Catholic values, family and parental rights regarding their children.

Ethnic press, the “voice” of real Canada: videos and pics from CNE

TORONTO – 750 publications in more than 65 languages, which exceed 1,000 if one includes radio and television stations (covering 111 languages) set up a display booth at the Canadian National Exhibition: perhaps in no country in the world there is so much variety. And if it’s true that the official languages ​​in Canada are English and French, it is equally true that those really spoken in everyday life is the only growing linguistic demographic among all Canadians. None excluded. 

Vehicle fire in Port Hope, Ontario: videos and photos

TORONTO – Port Hope Police and Fire Rescue extinguished a car fire in a parking lot of grocery stores at the corner of Jocelyn Street and Toronto Street in Port Hope, Ontario. 

Podcast: un po’ di pepe per insaporire le vostre giornate

Vi siete mai chiesti perché noi giovani viaggiamo sempre con le cuffie? La risposta non è (solo): perché ascoltiamo musica. Cosa diavolo facciamo, allora, con le cuffie nelle orecchie? Semplice, ascoltiamo podcast. Cioè?!? Un podcast è una trasmissione radio o video (un programma o un contenuto) registrata digitalmente, resa disponibile su Internet, scaricabile su smartphone e mp3… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Euro 2020 with Raul and Sean, the final: Italy-England 4-3

TORONTO – Raul and Sean talk about Euro 2020: the matches, analysis, curiosities. Watch them!

Previous videos here: https://www.cnmng.ca/category/euro-2020/