Tag: videos

Moderna, 9 million doses on the way but caution is needed for the “Euro2020 variant”

Article by Francesco Veronesi — Translation and Video: CNMNG Staff

TORONTO – The third wave of the pandemic is now over. For several weeks, the overall epidemiological picture in Ontario has been improving significantly, with the collapse of new daily cases, the sharp decrease in hospitalizations and ICU admissions and, more generally, with a mass immunization campaign that is finally at full power.

Școlile in ruina au nevoie de 16,8 miliarde de dolari

Article by Mariella Policheni — Translation and Video: Cristiana Petrescu

TORONTO – Restanța intervențiilor structurale în școlile din Ontario, de la preluarea mandatului de către guvernul Ford, a crescut cu un miliard de dolari până la 16,8 miliarde. Acestea sunt informațiile dezvăluite de ministrul educației, Stephen Lecce. „