Tag: volpe:

Nick Volpe, un vero campione nella vita e nello sport

TORONTO – Sì, Nick Volpe, possa riposare in pace, era un mio parente. Quando ero studente delle superiori, mi veniva fatta spesso questa domanda. Si era da poco ritirato come Argonaut di Toronto, un autentico e celebrato campione/eroe della Grey Cup. Un ragazzo di Toronto, dove era nato e cresciuto, e un vero “esempio di classe” e “un risolutore di problemi”… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Former Ontario’s Premier William Davis dead at 92, Joe Volpe: “He was bigger than life”

TORONTO – He was bigger than life.

If a political figure is measured by his influence on the Province, Bill Davis will surely emerge as one of the true fathers of a modern Ontario society. A a graduating university student, i remember him as a small-town lawyer deeply steeped in the ultra-conservative politics of an Ontario still very dependent on an agrarian based economy buttressed by a manufacturing-centred Toronto.

His home base was then “sleepy” Brampton, population 55,000. The Family Compact and the Orange Order, his core supporters, did not look too kindly upon those new post-war immigrants from Europe who were not British.