TORONTO – Almost noone wants them, practically all the candidates for mayor promise to wipe them out, but the City of Toronto continues to build new ones: we are talking about the bike lanes, which have “invaded” the city in recent years, throwing it into chaos and which, brace yourselves, will increase. →
VANCOUVER – On Monday 26 July, at 7 pm Italian (and 10 am in Vancouver), online on the Facebook pages of the APCI and the Canadian Embassy in Italy, appointment with “Italy-Canada, culinary encounters”: protagonists, some Italian and Italian-Canadian chefs and products from both Italy and Canada, with live connections from Vancouver, Milan and Rome during which very original recipes will be performed “live”. →
VANCOUVER – Lunedì 26 luglio, a partire dalle ore 19 italiane (e dalle ore 10am a Vancouver), in diretta on line sulle pagine Facebook dell’Apci (Associazione Professionale Cuochi Italiani) e dell’Ambasciata del Canada, appuntamento con “Italia-Canada, incontri culinari”: protagonisti, alcuni chef italiani e italo-canadesi e prodotti sia del Belpaese che del Canada, con collegamenti video da Vancouver, Milano e Roma durante i quali saranno eseguite “live” delle originalissime ricette. →
TORONTO – Raul and Sean talk about Euro 2020: the matches, analysis, curiosities. Watch them!
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