TORONTO – Weekend to forget in Ontario: for the third consecutive day, the province has in fact recorded over 1,000 new cases of Covid-19, with the count of infections reaching the highest level since the end of May. The provincial health officials in fact detected 1,184 infections today, compared to 1,053 on Saturday and 1,031 on Friday. We have to go back to 28 May to find a greater number of cases than today: at that time, the infections had been 1,273. →
TORONTO – Despite the snow has whitened everything, it was a black weekend in Ontario on the Covid front. Today 964 new cases were registered, the highest number reported in a single day since last May 30, when 1,033 cases were detected. But Saturday and Friday wasn’t better, with – respectively – 854 and 927 infections. Now the seven-day moving average is 760, last week it was 645. And the positivity rate also rises: with 29,692 tests processed in the last 24 hours and 964 cases detected, it is now 3.2%. →
Rząd Ontario zachęca rodziny, aby w najbliższy weekend skorzystały z możliwości wyjazdu na łono natury do jednego z ponad 100 parków w prowincji. Z okazji Dnia Ojca, który wypada w najbliższą niedzielę łowienie ryb będzie możliwe bezpłatnie i bez konieczności posiadania licencji. →
The Ontario government is encouraging families to take the opportunity to go out in nature to any of over 100 provincial parks this weekend. On the occasion of Father’s Day, which falls this Sunday, fishing will be possible free of charge and without the need of having a license. →
W nocy z soboty na niedzielę utonęła 6-letnia dziewczynka z Oshawy i 22-latek z Brampton.
Dziewczynka utonęła podczas sobotniej imprezy w prywatnym basenie na backyardzie przy domu. →