TORONTO – When the Chinese President, Xi Jinping last visited Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow in March 2023, these two authoritarian strongmen reaffirmed their strategic alignment against the United States of America and touted their vision for a new world order no longer dominated by the West. Therefore, obviously the Chinese leader will bolster Beijing’s influence among developing and emerging nations in the ensuing BRICS (an economic alliance, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) summit in Johannesburg’s financial district of Sandton, South Africa, since his ties with the United States remain deeply strained and economic troubles bubble up at home.
TORONTO – Blood flows non-stop in the GTA. And it does so in broad daylight. After the four shootings on Friday and Saturday in which four people died and five were injured, on Sunday in four other shootings one man died and seven people sustained injuries. Four shootings, the latter, all took place in Toronto in the space of six hours.
The constituency of Niagara West is situated along the south-west shore of Lake Ontario. The district spans an area of 1,057 square km and encompasses the towns of Grimsby, Lincoln and Pelham. It also includes the western portion of the City of St. Catharines and the townships of West Lincoln and Wainfleet.
TORONTO – Il distretto elettorale provinciale di Windsor West si trova all’estremità sud-occidentale dell’Ontario. Copre un’area di 82 km quadrati e comprende la parte occidentale della città di Windsor. Il fiume Detroit, che è diviso dal confine tra Canada e Stati Uniti, costeggia la sponda settentrionale della città…