Tag: when?

What to do when your biggest asset turns on you?

TORONTO – The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation-Radio Canada (CBC) is arguably one of Canada’s most important nation building assets. It is supposed to help shape and convey the Canadian reality to all Canadians. For that reason alone, the Canadian Radio and Television Commission (CRTC) – its titular boss – grants it a license giving it privileges and protections not available to other broadcasters and “creators”. 

When the right rediscovers the right: Poilievre fleeing in the polls

TORONTO – By definition, in the political spectrum the center is the political space best equipped for conflict resolution. When the tensions that come from the right or the left become too pressing, it is in the center that the neutralization of the imbalance takes place: center understood as compromise, as a synthesis of theses and antitheses, as an exaltation of pragmatism that cripples the too ideologized extremities. Having made this premise, in the last thirty years in Canada, as in Italy and in the rest of the world, the hunt for the electorate of the center, the moderate one, considered hunting booty capable of undermining the balance of power between the parties, has begun. 

When Boards think they know better than the parents they serve

Some school boards seem to be losing their bearings. On December 7, the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) trustees will meet to choose a new Chair and Vice Chair for the Board and its Committees to lead them into the final year of the Board’s mandate before the 2022 election. Patrick Murphy and Marvin Duarte are the incumbents in the two senior positions.

The past three years have been challenging for the Board on several fronts. Board meetings have been characterized by factional divides and “dysfunctionality”.

Covid-19: when immunizing is not enough

TORONTO – About 7,000 Americans and 450 Canadians who were fully vaccinated have died of Covid-19. Among Americans, the death of Colin Powell, the former secretary of State – who died on Monday from complications from Covid-19 despite being fully vaccinated – shocked everyone. A news that has been around the world and that has given the opportunity to the experts to explain why this can happen and why the vaccine is extremely important as it protects oneself and others from the disease. 

When Black Squirrels Go White

An animal, which should have died over the winter because the odds were against it, was found to be still alive. In defiance of a raging COVID-19 pandemic, an unrelenting winter, food shortage and predators, the Elton John song “I’m Still Standing” comes to mind. This is a feel-good story; we could use more of those these days.