Tag: woke

TDSB: “woke” sì, “sveglio” non tanto

TORONTO – La manifestazione degli studenti, venerdì 2 dicembre, presso il liceo accorpato di Keele Street (George Harvey e York Memorial: qui il nostro servizio di venerdì) è stata impressionante per diversi motivi. Uno, era pacifica e generalmente ben temperata. Due, al suo apice, c’erano, secondo il mio conteggio approssimativo (contestato da altri resoconti dei media interessati a gonfiare i numeri), circa 150 partecipanti (poco più del 10% del corpo studentesco registrato). Tre, gli studenti erano pronti a lanciare un messaggio in risposta alla pubblicità estremamente negativa che le loro scuole hanno ricevuto nei recenti resoconti della stampa e dei media… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Education at TDSB: “woke” yes, “awake” not so much

TORONTO – The demonstration by students, on Friday, December 2 (here our article), at the combined high school on Keele Street (George Harvey and York Memorial) was impressive for several reasons. One, it was peaceful and generally well-tempered. Two, at its peak, there were, by my rough count (contested by other Media reports interested in inflating numbers), about 150 participants (just over 10% of the registered student body). Three, students were prepared to deliver a message in response to the extremely negative publicity their school(s) garnered in recent press and media reports. 

‘Woke’ administrators purge catholics from Reports

TORONTO – The TCDSB Student Achievement and Well being, Catholic Education and Human Resources Committee received some annual reports “for the information of the Board of Trustees,” Thursday evening at 7:00 PM. The Committee’s title is a mouthful. The reports, not so much. They are reminiscent of a textbook critique and criticism of Ontario’s failing “progressive” educational system (woke of the era) from three generations ago: So Little for the Mind, 1953, by Hilda Neatby.