TORONTO – A double Master’s, one in Italy after a three-year degree in one of the most prestigious Italian universities and a second one in Canada. Then, a permanent job in Toronto. But that’s not enough. Also, she, like many other young Italians and Europeans, will have to return to Italy because it seems impossible to obtain a visa extension (not to mention the “mirage” better known by the name of Permanent Residence: the PR).
TORONTO – L’inerzia del governo liberale sulla (presunta) ingerenza elettorale da parte della Cina ha fatto sì che alcuni elettori canadesi si chiedano, adesso, se ci si possa fidare dei risultati delle recenti elezioni federali. A sostenerlo è Pierre Poilievre, leader dei Conservatori, secondo il quale il primo ministro Justin Trudeau ha “ispirato molti sospetti” a causa del suo rifiuto di rispondere a domande dettagliate sul ruolo della Cina nelle campagne elettorali del 2019 e del 2021…
TORONTO – The Liberal government’s inaction over (alleged) electoral meddling by China has some Canadian voters now wondering whether the results of the recent federal election can be trusted. That’s what Pierre Poilievre thinks: according to the leader of the Conservatives, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has “inspired many suspicions” due to his refusal to answer detailed questions about China’s role in the 2019 and 2021 electoral campaigns. →
OTTAWA – Una settimana dopo essersi impegnato a nominare un “relatore speciale” incaricato di valutare le accuse di interferenza elettorale federale da parte della Cina e la questione dell’ingerenza straniera in generale, il primo ministro Justin Trudeau ha dichiarato ieri che i canadesi sapranno chi ha scelto “nei prossimi giorni”…
OTTAWA – A week after pledging to appoint a “special rapporteur” to look into allegations of federal election interference by China and the issue of foreign interference in general, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said today that Canadians will know who chose “in the next few days”. →