ROMA – Il Presidente di Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi, ha affidato a Facebook un messaggio “per i 6 milioni di Italiani che vivono all’estero” e, in un’intervista, ha annunciato il ritorno di un punto di riferimento importante per la diaspora…
FIRENZE – Imprescindibile per chi ama la lirica, iconico per chi ama il cinema, indimenticabile per chi ci va. È un museo aperto da cinque anni, il più innovativo del mondo: si chiama Fondazione Franco Zeffirelli Onlus e si trova nel cuore di Firenze (nella foto sopra) a un passo da Piazza Signoria, cioè in Piazza San Firenze…
TORONTO – Where will the CBC – Canada’s National Broadcaster – go next in pursuit of a story now that the Pope has returned to Vatican City? Who cares, you say? You would be right, if it were not for the fact that it is a divisive, bigoted, purveyor of fake news. And it costs the taxpayer about $1.5 Billion annually (2021 federal budget figures).
TORONTO – This penitential pilgrimage of the Pontifex Maximus, Pope Francis, is, for me, a classic example of an event grounded in the concept of wanting to “do what is right”. It manifests itself in the supreme patience of a very old man, personally suffering physical pain, assuming the weight of the harms (real and perceived) foisted on others by elements in the Church he leads in an era with which he had no personal attachment.
Continuing with the excitement for the World Cup, we thought that the next logical step would be to take a look at group F and meet Canada’s opponents: Croatia, Belgium and Morocco, the top rated team in the past few years and full of experience, making them favorites to win the group. →