Tag: worse

From bad to worse: 47 schools closed in Ontario

TORONTO – The evidence can no longer be denied. Covid-19 entered Ontario schools from the main entrance. Almost one in a hundred public schools is now closed due to Covid-19 outbreaks or operational reasons related to the pandemic. If only two days ago the institutes closed due to outbreaks of the virus were 28, the number today – according to data provided by the Ministry of Education – jumped to 47. As many as 47 schools closed with the transfer of children to distance learning with Covid that continues to create havoc as regards face-to-face lessons. 

Election Campaigning: things could get worse before they get better

TORONTO – I feel sorry for Trudeau. Nothing in his campaign seems to resonate with the general public. Every step his campaign designs instead appears counter-intuitive and “testy”. In fact, fewer and fewer people are willing to “cut him any slack”. It seems only yesterday that the easy solution to the country’s ills was a simple selfie of the Liberal leader. Today, polls are laying bare some acrimonious discontent. Some of it merciless. From Surrey to Cambridge to New Brunswick to Bolton to London, disparate crowds hound the Liberal Leader, hurling their profanities, their churlish rudeness and stones. Many among the protesters are women, giving a newer meaning to the term the “gentler sex”. 

TCDSB management from bad to worse

Who in the heck is running this place?

TORONTO – As organizations, Catholic school boards have a specific Constitutional role to play in Canadian society. The one in Toronto seems to be obsessed with things sexual, be they substantive issues like curricula or symbolic ones like flag-waving.

Covid, third wave worse than the first and the second

[GTranslate]TORONTO – Soaring cases, more contagiousness of new variants, increased hospitalizations and patients admitted in the intensive care units. The data present in the report prepared by the experts of the COVID-19 Science Advisory Table are alarming: numbers, those analyzed by the Ontario scientific control room, which highlights how this third wave of the pandemic can be much heavier than the first and second.