Tag: you

Lecce, you bring shame on the Italian community: begone

TORONTO – Lecce, MPP for King-Vaughan and Minister of Education, had some of his unsavory past exposed to the embarrassment of all those associated with him, directly and indirectly. While at University, as a member of a fraternity for children of indulgent parents, he relished participating in games like “slave auction”. People were put up for sale and to do the bidding of the buyer for a determined period of time. We are in the twenty first century. 


‘Bet your dog’s missing you’: Toronto office removes return-to-work posters after protests

TORONTO – Maybe they just wanted to be nice and affectionately greet the employees’ return to the office after months and months of smart working. But the workers didn’t like those signs that appeared in a building in downtown Toronto and the company was forced to remove them. “Oxford Properties” had placed signs in the lobby of the building, located at 20 Bay Street, with the words “Seriously, we missed you”, “Miss your sweatpants yet?”, “Bet your  dog’s missing you” (in the pic above).  (more…)

 “Thank you, Omicron!” 

TORONTO – There was much to give thanks for in the U.S. Thanksgiving.  A return to the Macy’s Parade with non-cardboard cutout children standing in the streets of New York, in wonderment of the “Boss Baby” balloon.  A return to Black Friday doorcrashers (90+ vigilantes recreating “Fast and the Furious” in Walnut Creek).  And setting a place for an unwanted visitor at the Thanksgiving family table – “Omicron”. 
