Toronto and Hamilton will receive $ 12 billion for the development of public transport
Today brought a very optimistic news about what is on everyone’s heart.

Improving public transportation in Toronto and improving its connection with satellite cities.
Now, if you live in Toronto, Hamilton, or any other city along the way, you can expect faster improvements in rail connections in these areas.
The federal government has just announced it will spend $ 12 billion on transportation projects in Toronto and Hamilton. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the money will be spent on four Toronto subway extensions currently underway, as well as a light rail transport line that will run through downtown Hamilton.
Infrastructure Minister Catherine McKenna said $ 10.4 billion in funding will be allocated to projects that are ready to start immediately, including the Ontario Line along with the Scarborough extensions, Eglinton West Crosstown and Yonge North.
According to Ontario Transport Minister Caroline Mulroney, these projects will not be ready by 2029.
The federal government will help finance the light city rail line through downtown Hamilton and will also purchase zero-emission trams for TTC in Toronto. The purchased wagons are to be made at Alstom’s Thunder Bay plant, plant purchased from Bombardier this year.
Prime Minister Trudeau called the agreement “historic” as it aims to reduce car pollution and also helps to create thousands of jobs, which is particularly important now in recovering from the crisis, as the prime minister highlighted in particular.

The prime minister said: “Rapid transit shortens commutes, which gives parents more time with their kids and ensures kids will inherit a cleaner future. Public transit is at the heart of a strong recovery and a growing middle class.”
Minister McKenna said that financial support is subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions by both the province and the city. They will have to prove how these investments will reduce carbon emissions, they will have to present a thorough environmental design, demonstrate what benefits they will offer local communities and ensure that “affordable housing” is found alongside the lines.
It took the federal government over 6 months to prepare for the announcement of this financial support. However, talks and pressure from the city and the province on the government in this regard had been going on for several years.
Today’s news is very important in that it confirms the readiness to implement larger projects in the province of Ontario, the city of Toronto, but also Hamilton, of importance for the whole country.

The GTA’s public transport development plans total $ 28.5 billion and require funding from all three levels: Toronto City, Ontario, and the federal government.